Domestic Violence Services of Greater New Haven (DVS) offers several different services for victims of domestic violence. To find out more about any of the services listed, please click on the link.
Walk-In Crisis Service and 24-Hour Hotline Both The Umbrella and DVS offer 24-hour hotline services for domestic violence crisis intervention, information and referral, and general support. In addition, The Umbrella accommodates crisis walk-ins, as well as immediate appointments, advocacy, and sheltering on a crisis basis (DVS also provides crisis sheltering).
The Umbrella Crisis Hotline is (203) 736-9944.
The DVS Crisis Hotline is (203) 789-8104.
Counseling and Support Groups
Individual and group counseling is provided at both The Umbrella and DVS programs.
DVS offers Individual Counseling for victims for up to 8 sessions. These sessions explore the client's history of domestic violence and focus on self-esteem and safety planning. Clients requesting longer-term therapy are referred to an appropriate clinician in the community.
Community Resources and Referral
The Umbrella and DVS staff have well established relationships with various resources in the Valley and Greater New Haven communities and referrals are made on an as needed basis. In addition, The Umbrella provides a Post-shelter Follow-up Worker to help individuals/families transition from sheltered to independent living. One important goal of this worker is to provide these individuals/families with referrals and resources that will help them more easily transition into the community.