What to do if you answered yes to any of the previous questions:
The DVS hotline – (203) 736-9944 is available 24/7;
Spanish speakers are also available.
Use the hotline if you:
- Have concerns about your own relationship or someone else’s.
- Are worried about how abuse affects your children.
- Want more information about domestic violence.
- Are frightened and don’t know where to turn.
- Need someone to talk to.
When in need or doubt, just call.

Computer Safety
Computers can provide a lot of information about what you look at on the Internet and the e-mails you send. It is not possible to delete or clear all computer “footprints.”
- If you think your activities are being monitored, they probably are. Abusive people are often controlling and want to know your every move. You don’t need to have special skills to monitor someone’s computer activities – anyone can do it and there are many ways to monitor.
- If you are in danger, try to use a computer that someone abusive cannot access directly or even remotely, by hacking.
- It may be safer for you to use a computer in a public library, a community technology center, at a trusted friend’s house, or an Internet café.

Bill of Rights
You have the right to:
- Live free of violence
- Be heard
- Say no and not feel guilty
- Make mistakes
- Ask for what you want
- Be alone
- Ask for information
- Make decisions about yourself
- Feel and express anger
- Be treated with respect and dignity
- Experience and express your feelings
- Change your mind
- Feel good about yourself
- Enjoy yourself
- Define and live by your own standards